Children who are good listeners and can follow instructions are introduced to the gymnastics environment under the supervision of a certified coach. This program consists of basic movement patterns to develop strength, balance, coordination, independence and self-confidence. Children will learn basic gymnastic skills on all gymnastic apparatus. We use a level system to emphasize the proper learning progressions. Smiles are encouraged!
Parent & Tot
16 months - 3 years old
*Drop in option*
For our Parent & Tot classes, the gym is set up for fun and development under the watchful eye of a fully qualified coach, children are free to explore the gym safely with their parents. Circuits are set up for enjoyment and to help develop their basic motor skills. This class is a must for all youngsters to set them up with balance, coordination and flexibility to help them excel in any future physical achievements. Please refer to the schedule in our registration section for the current time of the drop-in class.
3 Yrs - 5 Yrs old
Kindergym is a class geared for continued development in gymnastics and basic motor skills. Students in Kindergym classes utilize the gym in small groups, under the direct supervision of one of our qualified coaches while parents/caregivers watch from our viewing area. Students rotate around to all of the different events and complete many stations as they go. This is a great program for students who have participated in our Parent & Tot program and those who are new to the gym. We have our very own GNGC Kindergym Level System in order to facilitate the best path to learning gymnastics skills safely and efficiently.
Mighty Minis
5 Yrs - 7 Yrs old
*By Invite Only
This developmental program is for students who demonstrate advanced skill and who have already completed multiple sessions of Kindergym. Children joining this program must be able to follow instructions, work independently and have already mastered the basic skills of gymnastics.
Pre - Kindergym
2 1/2 Yrs - 4 Yrs
This "warm up" to Kindergym gives participants the opportunity to experience a Kindergym class - including following rotations and a level system - and keep their parents nearby. The parent-assisted class format helps children 3 years and under learn to operate in a structured class and it also helps those older than 3 learn to take instruction & learn new skills while still having a parent/caregiver close by.
Adv. Kindergym
4 Yrs - 5 yrs
* Must have Levels 1 & 2
This program is for the older Kindergym students as well as those who have already passed the first 2 levels of our Kindergym program. By having these participants in a separate class, it allows the coach to focus on developing more skills and motor development for those who have already learned the basics.